1. How do I become a member?
A: Stop by the Main Street Station. And ask for an application.
2. Do I need any special education?
A: A High school diploma or General Education Diploma. Must finish school if still attending.
3. How old must you be to join?
A: 16 years or higher, 16 years old may not participate in hazardous activities until 18 years of age.
4. Do I need any special training?
A: No all trainings are done at the firehouse or regional fire schools thru out the state.
5. What does it mean to be a member of the fire department?
A: members are expected to be of service to the department and community as a trained firefighter or be in a support role . Members are expected to attend department meetings and stay abreast of changes and new developments. Members who want to train as firefighters , must realize firefighting is a strenuous activity and the must be physically fit to meet the challenges.
6. When do I change the battery in my smoke detectors?
A: when the time changes in the fall and spring or change it every six months.
7. How long are smoke detectors good for?
A: 10 years . The smoke sensor becomes weak over time so the entire smoke alarm should be replaced after 10 years.
8. What numbers can I call in an emergency?
A: call 911 and give your name and number and location and address .
9. What number can I call for scheduling a station visit to the fire station ?
A: you can call the office number 1-606-573-4130, if no one answers the phone promptly please leave a message.
10. What is the State Fire Marshal’s Office number ?
A: 1-502-573-0388.
11. Do I get paid?
A: The volunteers get reimbursed every 3 months for meetings, response to calls and trainings must be 18 years old.